ASSP Region V – Governance Changes & Survey

Hello NEIL ASSP members,

By now, you may have heard that there is a proposal to update ASSP’s governance. Earlier this year, a board-level task force examined industry research, trends, and association best practices to develop a recommended proposal that has been approved by the Board of Directors. This proposal calls for ASSP to transition the House of Delegates to an at-large advisory group. This shift, apparently, would align with legal guidance and association best practices, emphasize inclusivity, and position the member-driven advisory group to inform and influence the Board. In addition, this agile infrastructure would allow ASSP to protect and effectively manage our assets, while the versatility in daily operations would safeguard our long-term viability.

Before this change is implemented, however, we would like to hear questions and thoughts from our members that you may have concerning this proposal.  Below is a short survey asking for your opinion concerning the governance change as well as allowing you to communicate to us what questions and concerns each of you may have. 

ASSP Governance Survey

For more information, please see the video below and visit the ASSP governance information page: where you can find explanations and links to email questions.

Further discussion of this governance change will occur during the House of Delegates meeting on September 28th, but the vote itself has been pushed back to give us more time to gather additional data and feedback.

Thank you for your time, we are grateful for your commitment to ASSP.